Magellan Award
GFW encourages team members to try new and different ideas, to explore different skills, to think outside the box – or to convert the box into something else entirely.
Destination ImagiNation offers six different types of Challenges, which provide opportunities to explore a variety of skills and scenarios.
In order to encourage team members to dare to explore, GFW Region has established the “Magellan” award, to recognize those kids who, over the years, have completed solutions to Challenges in each of the six categories. Named after Ferdinand Magellan, the first person to circumnavigate the globe, it reflects the continued striving to reach the stars – and even beyond to the galaxies of the Magellanic Clouds. We would like to recognize these stellar Team Members at the GFW Regional Tournament.
Team Managers or Coordinators may nominate team members who qualify.
The different types of challenges are:
Challenge A - Technical (Obstacles, Of Course, DestiNations in Time, Change in DIrection, It’s Your Move, etc)
Challenge B - Scientific – (Making Waves, Hit or Myth!, The Plot and the Pendulum, ViDIo Adventure, StranDId, If Music be the Food of Life…, etc.)
Challenge C - Theatrical/Fine Arts - (DI've Got a Secret, Cartoon DIimensions, Theater smARTS, On Holiday, Shakespeare, etc.)
Challenge D - Improv (Chorific, Upbeat Improv, Once Improv a Time, Instant Pudding Improv, etc.)
Challenge E - Structure/Engineering - (Switch!, GuessDImate, ConnecDId, Dual DIlemma, It’s Not Impastable, RatiOMetric, etc.)
Project Outreach- Service Learning (Pitch & Play, Brand Aid, etc)
When listing Challenges on the nomination form, the NAME of the Challenge must be included, ie: Challenge E - Switch! , not just Challenge E.
Suitable challenges/problems from any Creative Problem Solving program that GFW has supported in the past may be used to qualify a team member for this award.
Please NOTE: No more than 2 (two) Challenges per DI season will be accepted on nomination forms
Team Members may earn the award more than once but they must submit different challenges for each award.
Deadline for nominations is January 10th, 2024
Mail Application to:
Hope Hutchison
111 Vintage Dr
Waxahachie, TX75165
Or Email to:
The awards listed below are determined at the regional tournament - No Application Required
Spirit of Discovery and Imagination Award
(Spirit of DI Award)
The Award: From its very beginning, Destination Imagination has been a community. The recipients of this award are the ones who go out of their way to help others, making sacrifices not for themselves, but to give something to someone else. We recognize and applaud these members of our community who demonstrate outstanding and extraordinary levels of sportsmanship, volunteerism and spirit, be they Team Managers, team members, Officials or other helpful DI friends and volunteers.
Criteria: This award is given in recognition of those who act as superior role models in the areas of spirit, teamwork, sportsmanship or volunteerism.
The Renaissance Award
The Award: On our journey we sometimes encounter exceptional travelers who entertain and enlighten us along the way. The Renaissance Award recognizes those among us who demonstrate extraordinary amounts of effort and preparation in their solutions or outstanding skill in engineering, design or performance. While the destination is creativity, these fellow travelers make the journey itself memorable.
Criteria: This award is given for outstanding skill in the areas of design, engineering, execution or performance.
The DaVinci Award
The Award: The paths we follow on our journeys were once uncharted and unknown—until someone took a bold step in a new direction and paved a way for us to follow. To solve our Challenges imagination, creativity, originality and courage are required. We honor these individuals and teams who most clearly demonstrate that spirit of adventurous risk in their solutions—those who most creatively traveled to reach truly new and unique destinations. The DaVinci Award is named to honor one of humanity’s greatest creative thinkers, Leonardo DaVinci.
Criteria: This award is given for having a unique approach to a solution, for risk taking and/or for outstanding creativity (not skill or talent).
Project Outreach: The Torchbearer Award
The Award: The Project Outreach Challenge allows teams to address real community needs in new and innovative ways. Sometimes a team’s approach and Project have a greater impact than anyone envisions. The Torchbearer Award recognizes the extraordinary contributions these teams and their Projects have on the real world.
Criteria: This award honors teams and/or individuals whose solutions have had an extraordinary impact in and beyond their local communities