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The Jo Williams Honorary Scholarship




The Scholarship:

The Scholarship winner will receive $1,000 which will be paid directly to the college or university that the winner will attend.


The Qualifications:

The applicant must be a college-bound high school senior in the Greater Fort Worth Area Region with at least five years of experience in Destination ImagiNation and must have at least a 3.0 GPA.


The Three Tasks:

1) The applicant will create an original composition on “The DI Effect”. The composition will be in 12 pt font and will be no longer than 1,000 words.
2) The applicant will share a short (100 words or less) anecdote on a DI memory.
3) The applicant will create a product on the following:


Creativity National Park

America is fortunate to have 63 National Parks. The National Parks mission is to “preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.” Think about what resources and values a Creativity National Park would need to further the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. Design a brochure and/or video to introduce this newest National Park to the nation.


The product may be presented in one of the following formats:

  • A YouTube or other on-line type of video.



The Letters:

The applicant will supply a letter of recommendation from their Team Manager and a school administrator or teacher.


The Deadline:

The deadline for applying for this scholarship is Jan 22, 2025.


The Fine Print:

The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. The scholarship winner’s material may be used as promotional material for the Greater Ft. Worth Area Destination Imagination Region.


Incomplete applications will not be accepted.






The Address:

Send application materials to: Jo Williams

                                          1027 Bryant St.

                                          Benbrook, TX 76126




                                          (512) 255-4022


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